Saturday, April 27, 2013

How to execute Sql Script using Command prompt

E:\>sqlcmd -ddbname –S.\SqlExpress -Usa -PWelcome123 -iScript.sql

The above command script for Sql Server login authentication

1    1)      You have to copy the Sql Script file to any drive. Here I have used E drive.
2    2)      In the command prompt you have to select the drive where you have copied the script file.
3    3)      Before execute the script you have to create the new database.  Here I have created dbname as Database name.
4    4)      dbname  is the Database name.
5    5)      .\SqlExpress  is the Sql server instance name.
6    6)      sa is the username of the Sql Server.
7    7)      Welcome123 is the password of the Sql Server.
8    8)      Script.sql is the Script file.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Jquery Inline form validation how to disable submit button

jQuery("#formname").validationEngine('attach', {
            onValidationComplete: function (form, status) {
                if (status == true) {
                    $('#Btname').attr('disabled', true);
                    return true;

jQuery("#formname").validationEngine('attach', {
                onValidationComplete: function (form, status) {
                    if (status == true) {
                        $('#Btname').attr('disabled', true);
                        return true;

Monday, April 1, 2013

How to convert string to TitleCase

public static String TitleCaseString(String s)
   if (s == null) return s;
   String[] words = s.Split(' ');
   for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)
     if (words[i].Length == 0) continue;
     Char firstChar = Char.ToUpper(words[i][0]);
     String rest = "";
     if (words[i].Length > 1)
      rest = words[i].Substring(1).ToLower();
     words[i] = firstChar + rest;
    return String.Join(" ", words);

How to convert string to SentenceCase

public static string SentenceCase(string text)
     string temporary = text.ToLower();
     string result = "";
     while (temporary.Length > 0)
        string[] splitTemporary = SplitAtFirstSentence(temporary);
        temporary = splitTemporary[1];
        if (splitTemporary[0].Length > 0)
           result += CapitaliseSentence(splitTemporary[0]);
           result += CapitaliseSentence(splitTemporary[1]);
           temporary = "";
  return result;

private static string CapitaliseSentence(string sentence)
    string result = "";
    while (sentence[0] == ' ')
     sentence = sentence.Remove(0, 1);
     result += " ";
    if (sentence.Length > 0)
     result += sentence.TrimStart().Substring(0, 1).ToUpper();
     result += sentence.TrimStart().Substring(1,sentence.TrimStart().Length - 1);
   return result;

private static string[] SplitAtFirstSentence(string text)
  int lastChar = text.IndexOfAny(new char[] { '.', ':', '\n', '\r', '!', '?' }) + 1;
  if (lastChar == 1)
    lastChar = 0;
   return new string[] { text.Substring(0, lastChar),text.Substring(lastChar,   text.Length - lastChar) };